Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Seat Dedication Request Form

Honour a loved one or celebrate a special occasion by dedicating a seat in one of our facilities. 

When you donate your donation will include:

  • Choice of arena or theatre
  • Choice of seat
  • Inscription plaque with choice of message
  • A minimum of 10 years of dedication (based on the lifespan of the seat)
  • Funds collected are placed into reserves for Algonquin Theatre and Sports Memorabilia

Seat request

Please select which seating area(s) you would like this request to reflect

Dedication information


Please type the engraving requested in ALL CAPITAL letters for your plaque: 20 characters maximum per line (3) including spaces.

After submitting this form, your request will be reviewed by our staff prior to requesting payment for the dedication.

Collection of information

Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, c.25, as amended and will be used, maintained and disclosed in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act c. M56 s.29(2) for the purpose of donating and/or requesting an engraved seat dedication plaque on a Town of Huntsville facility seat. Contact the Municipal Clerk, 37 Main Street East, Huntsville ON P1H 1A1, (705) 789-1751 for information regarding the collection and disclosure of information.