Affordable Access to Recreation Program Application Form

January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025

The Town of Huntsville is committed to enhancing the quality of life for the community by ensuring age-friendly, accessible and inclusive recreation and leisure opportunities for all residents.

The Affordable Access to Recreation Program is a mechanism to support affordable access to recreational opportunities for residents and households living in low income.

Once your application has been recieved it can take up to 10 business days to process. Once reviewed the applicant will be contacted with next steps in the process, prior to approval.

Eligibility requirements

  • Town of Huntsville permanent residents who have lived in Huntsville for at least 30 days and who are able to demonstrate residency.
  • Households include family members and dependents residing at the same address.
  • Full-time post-secondary students are not eligible.
  • Part-time post-secondary students are eligible.
  • A combined household income that is at, or below, the following levels:
Number of people in household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Combined income threshold level ** $23,009 $28,643 $35,213 $42,755 $48,492 $54,691 $60,890

**Statistics Canada – Table 11-10-0241-01 Low Income cut-offs (LICOs) before tax by community and family size in current dollars.

Affordable recreation access

The affordable access to recreation program to include per eligible person per calendar year, the following:

Children and Youth (up to 17 years of age)

  • Annual public swim or skate pass; and
  • 100% off up to two (2) youth registered programs*

Adult (18 years of age and older)

Pick One of the Following

  • Annual public swim or skate pass; or
  • 52 drop-ins per year to adult/55+ drop-in programs (aquatic fitness classes, lap swims, leisure swims, fitness classes, Active Living Centre drop in’s, and skating); or
  • 100% off up to two (2) registered programs* (includes aquatic registered programs)

New for 2025 - Pick one of the following 

  • 1 Single Vist to Muskoka Heritage Place which could include an individual or family;
  • Up to 5 Tickets to one show hosted by the Alonquin Theatre

*Any programs requiring Manuals, Certification or administration costs, must be paid in full by recipient, at time of Registration.

Restrictions and parameters

  • Annual passes and drop in passes are not redeemable for cash value
  • Passes must be used within the calendar year. Passes are not transferrable from one year to the next
  • Participants must register in person for any programs they wish to apply for
  • Payment for registered programs is required at the time of registration
  • Youth day camp programs are excluded from this program. Financial assistance for camp programs for eligible individuals is available through the District of Muskoka
  • The minimum number of participants in registered programs must be reached for registration to proceed
  • Participants must follow all other registration and participation guidelines and rules when registering and or participating
  • This policy extends to eligible programs and services directly delivered by the Town of Huntsville
  • Excludes contracted program agreements with individuals/organizations delivering programs in partnership or on behalf of the Town, unless language related to affordable access is incorporated into the agreement
  • Excludes programs and services where discounts and subsidies already exist (i.e. youth day camp programs)