Lottery Licensing Eligibility Checklist

Information Checklist

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Applicant Requirements

  1. First time applicants must submit the following documentation 45 days in advance for processing along with their application. Previously approved applicants must submit their applications 3 weeks in advance for processing and items marked “yearly” below on an annual basis.
  2. Documents Required:

    • Application for licensing eligibility
      • Applications for a Lottery Licence will be available upon Eligibility approval
    • Board of Directors list - current
      • Find through organization. To be submitted yearly.
    • Bylaws
      • Find through organization. To be submitted when applying or making changes.
    • Constitution
      • Find through organization. To be submitted when applying or making changes.
    • Financial Statement (for previous fiscal year)
      • Find through organization. To be submitted yearly.
    • Incorporated papers (letters patent)
      • Find through the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Releations at 1-800-361-3223. To be submitted when applying or making changes.
    • Notification of Charitable registration (if applicable)
      • Find through the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-267-2384. To be submitted when applying or making changes.
    • Operating budget (current)
      • Find through organization. To be submitted yearly.
    • Outline of charitable programs / services provided and specific costs in delivery
      • Find through organization. To be submitted yearly.
    • Proposed use of lottery proceeds
      • Find through organization. To be submitted yearly.
    • Registered Charity Information Return and Public Information Return - most recent (if applicable)
      • Find through the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-267-2384. To be submitted yearly.
  3. The lottery licence application must be fully completed with full mailing address and daytime contact telephone numbers. 
  4. The total value of all prizes to be awarded is based on the retail market value (including taxes). This also includes prizes that have been donated.
  5. The fee for a lottery licence is 3% of the total value of the prizes or cash to be awarded.
  6. Each signature which appears on the application must be a bona fide member of the organization and on the Board of Directors / Committee and be authorized to make the licence application on behalf of the organization.
  7. The proceeds raised from the lottery event must benefit the community of Huntsville or the residents of Ontario.
  8. Raffles – The total retail market value of the prizes to be awarded must not be less than 20% of the total value of all tickets printed.
  9. Each applicant, or anyone who is taking responsibility for conducting the lottery event, must read, and fully understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions (set out by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario) relating to the type of lottery scheme conducted. Please note that it is an offence under the Gaming Control Act and the Criminal Code of Canada to conduct a lottery event outside of the Terms and Conditions under which the licence was granted.
  10. Attached with all Break Open Ticket applications must be a copy of the Agreement to Sell Break Open (Nevada) Tickets.
  11. Once the application has been approved and a licence issued, the Licensing Officer will telephone the applicant for the pickup. If requested, licenses may be mailed if time permits as all licenses must be posted at the event.

Financial Requirements

Each applicant must open and maintain a separate lottery trust account, designated as a trust account by the branch of a recognized financial institution, in the Province of Ontario and submit proof of such account to the Licensing Office at the Town of Huntsville. The lottery trust account must be in Canadian Funds. If the licensee conducts more than one type of lottery event, it may hold either one designated lottery trust account for all lottery proceeds (provided the licensee keeps a separate ledger for each type of lottery event and for each licence issued), or a separate designated lottery trust account for each type of lottery. The licensee must keep all records for a minimum of four years and ALL expenses must be paid directly by cheque from the lottery trust account(s).

The trust account must:

  • Be a chequing account;
  • Require at least 2 authorizing signatures;
  • Be held in the name of the licensee, in trust;
  • Have duplicate deposit slips, with one copy kept for the licensee’s records;
  • Issue monthly statements; and
  • Return cancelled cheques with the monthly statement

An irrevocable letter of credit (valid for a minimum of 45 days after the last day of the lottery event specified on the licence) from a recognized financial institution in Ontario payable to the Town of Huntsville will be required when prizes total a value of $10,000.00 or more.

Reporting Requirements

After the lottery event has ended, it is up to the applicant to submit the required reports to the Town of Huntsville’s Licensing Office. All reports must be filled out completely. Only original signatures will be accepted. Future Lottery Licenses will not be issued if there are outstanding reports. Reports must be submitted within:

  • Bingo – 15 days after each event has ended
  • Break Open Ticket – 30 days after the event has ended
  • Raffle – 30 days after the event has ended


For further inquiries please contact:

  1. Town of Huntsville customer service at 37 Main Street East, Huntsville, ON P1H 1A1 or by email:
  2. Licensing Officer: By-law 705-789-1751, ext. 3039 or 3041

For further information, contact:

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Gaming Registration & Lotteries, 90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M2N 0A4, 416-326-8700 or toll free 1-800-522-2876.

Eligibility Application

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